Assurance With Generac Home Backup Standby Generators
Remember back in January of 2018 when 40,000 residents lost power due to the winter weather? The utility companies can't prevent power loss from happening. What can you do? Stop waiting on the utility companies to reconnect electricity to your home during power outages. Give your home the power it needs so you won't be left in the dark ever again.
Get Complete Security, Convenience, And Comfort, With A Home Backup Power Solution By Lawes Company
Explore power loss solutions with Generac standby backup home power generator solutions installed by Lawes Company for your New Jersey home. We are the area’s leading Generac dealer.
With Lawes Company’s superior product knowledge and extensive training, you can rest easy with our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Giving you peace of mind in trusting that your family's home will always have electricity without relying on utility companies.
Don’t Be Stuck In The Dark, Install A Generac!
Lawes Company is here to offer you and your family complete comfort with the security and convenience of 24/7/365 electrical power, no matter the cause of power loss. Generac home standby backup generators have the ability to run on propane or natural gas and installation of your unit is permanent.
Whenever there is any power loss, the Generac generator will start up automatically, helping to deliver the power your family needs within a few seconds after the lights shut off. With multiple sizing options available, you can choose to power your whole home or only to power must-have items you cannot live without.

Backup Power Solutions For Your Home
Power's Automatic
When your home loses power, within a few seconds, Generac backup power generator fires on automatically. No need to lift a finger for the power you need, when you need it most.
No Refueling
Never have to make a last-second trip to your local gas station to get fuel! Generac generators run on your existing propane or natural gas lines for your convenience!
Power Is Direct
Forget the hassles of extension cords! Your home’s electrical panel is powered by your Generac home backup generator, delivering power to the existing electrical lines.
#1 Selling Brand
An industry leader and best-in-class brand for home backup generators, customers and homeowners who install backup power systems prefer Generac systems 7 out of 10 times.
Always On
You never know when the next emergency can happen. Rely on a best-in-class and trusted backup power system that has proven to keep the lights on when the utility company cannot.
Lawes Company And Generac Provide Comfort, Safety, And Convenience To Your Home Or Business

Instant On
The top-selling brand in generators, The Generac® Guardian Series generator starts up automatically whenever there is any loss of power to your home in just a few seconds and will continuously run till your utilities are returned to normal.

7 out of 10 households using backup power systems in their home trust Generac backup home generators more than any other brand currently on the market along and Generac offers 60 years of power loss solutions.

Lawes Company and Generac offer our customers the best warranties and the most competitive prices. Generac's energy-efficient standby generators enable homeowners in NJ to rely on systems for power when they need it the most.
What Homeowners Need To Know About Home Backup Power Generators
Having a home backup generator installed is a nice sized investment for your family’s comfort. Here is what you need to know to make the best decision.

How Do I Select The Best Sized Generator For My Home?
Choosing the right generator for your home can sometimes be a bit difficult. You have to factor in the amount of electricity your household uses, if you want your whole house powered, or some of the “essentials” to have electricity. Call or schedule an appointment with Lawes Company to have our comfort specialist assess your needs for your budget.

How Much Do I Need To Invest In A Home Backup Generator?
Back up power generators vary is costs, depending on how much power consumption you need during an outage. Installation expenses can vary based on the size of your home, sizes of the generator and other factors. Your best bet is to schedule a free, no-hassle, in-home consultation with your local New Jersey Generac dealer, Lawes Company.

What’s Involved in Installing a Generac Home Backup Generator?
We will find a location on the outside of your home for your backup generator, prepare to run a propane or natural gas line, and modify your home’s electrical box with a power transfer switch. When we have completed the installation, you and your home will be ready for its first utility loss. Have peace of mind and rest easier with an automatic home backup power generator from Generac.
Lawes Company and Generac Is A Winning Combination For Dependable Power
Rely on your new Generac home standby generator to start up instantly when your local New Jersey utility company isn’t able to secure power to your home. Having a generator is crucial for homes that depend on having power all day and night for medical devices, food storage, home offices and for your home comfort and convenience. Call (732) 741-6300 to get started today by requesting a complimentary, hassle-free, no-obligation estimate for a look into how affordable a Generac is for your home’s power loss solution.

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