Up Your HVAC Air Filter Replacement Strategy And 6 Other Dust Busting Tips

When the dust in your NJ home gets out of control, you need some simple dust-busting solutions that aren’t going to add to your already busy schedule. From routine HVAC air filter replacement to robots that vacuum, arm your home with these seven indoor air quality tips and tricks to keep dust levels under control.

1. Try an Electrostatic Cloth

different color electrostatic cloths for dusting

Different from a regular dust rag or old sock, an electrostatic cloth is super-charged to attract dust particles using…static electricity. This allows the cloth to hang on to the dust (much better than a dry fabric cloth) and it won’t send dust particles flying into the air. These are especially useful on wood surfaces.

2. Use a Damp Cloth and Mop

Never. We repeat, never…dust with a feather duster or dry cloth or you’ll just be sending dust in the air to land somewhere else (that you probably just cleaned). Like electrostatic cloths, damp fabric picks up the dust much better than dry cloths; use this method to clean household surfaces and window blinds. The same goes for the floor. Instead of using a broom that just sends the dust flying through the air, on tile or laminate flooring, use a damp mop to pick up as much dust as possible.

3. Make Friends With A Vacuum Robot

Most people don’t have enough time to clean as often as they probably should. So, schedule a vacuum robot to clean your home while you’re away. True, a robot vacuum isn’t as thorough as you are, especially when it comes to corners, so be sure to supplement its efforts with your own HEPA filtered vacuum power at least once a week.

4. Refresh Flooring

worker removing old carpet in a room to upgrade flooring

When possible, opt for hard flooring over wall-to-wall carpeting. Sure, carpet makes for a cozy interior, but it can hold far more dust that you might expect. Even with powerful vacuums and robots running daily, it’s very difficult to get it dust-free. If someone in your home has serious allergies or asthma, carpeting could be a symptomatic trigger; it might be worth exploring tile or hardwood flooring instead. 

5. Beat Out The Rugs

When it comes to keeping rugs clean, take them outside once a week to beat the dust out of them, just like in the old days. Be sure this is done by someone who does not suffer from asthma or allergies. Do this for any welcome mats or area rugs. You can also take your rug to a dry cleaner that specializes in rugs once or twice a year to remove that deep-seated grime that your vacuum cannot.

6. Dust the Upholstery

Vacuuming isn’t just for the floors. Use a handheld vacuum for the curtains, couch and even the lampshade. Since the soft fibers in these areas draw a lot of dust, regular cleaning of your textiles is a must for a dust-free home.

7. Upgrade Your HVAC Air Filter Replacement Strategy

homeowner replacing home HVAC air filter

When dust gets pushed into your HVAC unit, it can affect its efficiency and affect indoor air quality. One of the most important (and easiest) ways to attack dust is by sticking to a regular HVAC air filter replacement schedule. But it may not be enough to simply replace it with the same old style anymore. The higher MERV ratings are designed to trap the smallest dust particulates, so consider switching from a mid-grade filter to one that has a MERV ratings over 10.

For more information on improving the air quality in your home, contact Lawes Company at (732) 741-6300.

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